
Chaos Pokemon Chapter 12: New Friends and Allies

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Chaos Pokémon
Chapter 12
New Friends And Allies
Ash just got done letting his mom know that they’d be over in a couple of hours and headed into the living room where Misty and Knuckles were watching TV.
Ash-Hey guys!
Misty-Hey Ash, did you get in touch with your mom?
Ash-Yep, and I told her about the mess that’s going on. She took it surprisingly well.
Misty-I’m not surprised; we’ve had a lot of crazy adventures.
Ash-Boy, that’s an understatement.
Ash looked at what they were watching; it was a news story about Viridian City being attacked.
Ash-Wow, my mom wasn’t kidding about that mess being all over the news.
Misty-No kidding, I’ve seen it on six different stations.
Knuckles-Yeah, Eggman has a really good way of getting people’s attention.
With that Ash sat down on the couch next to Misty and Pikachu sat beside Ash.
Ash-How about we try and look for something else?
Misty-Sounds good, I don’t think I can take any more of this.
With that they searched through the channels to find something else to watch.
Meanwhile Tails and Professor Oak were just finishing up the last of the translators with Amber and Shinx watching.
Tails-Finally, the last one is done.
Professor Oak-I deeply appreciate it Tails; I know making these can be pretty taxing.
Tails-Eh, don’t worry about it. I’m glad I can help you guys out with your research.
Just then Amy and Cream walked in the door.
Amy-Hey guys, we’re back!
Tails-Hey Amy, you’re just in time. We just got done with the last of the translators.
Amy-Wow, already?
Cream-Boy Tails you really move quickly!
Tails scratched the back of his head nervously.
Tails-Aw, it was nothing. So anyway, are you each ready to go?
Amy-Well, not exactly.
Professor Oak-Is there a problem?
Amy-Well, not really. You see, we found this Pokémon sleeping in the flower bed, and it was hungry so we thought we could give it some food.
Professor Oak-Oh really, is it one of mine?
Amy-Nope, it says it’s from the forest.
Professor Oak-Oh, it’s a wild Pokémon. What kind is it?
With that Cream turned outside and called the Vulpix, who was hiding by the door.
Cream-Come on, don’t be shy.
With that the Vulpix stepped inside, but kept close to Creams leg.
Tails-Wow, what kind of Pokémon is that?
Professor Oak-It’s a Vulpix; they’re a fire type and are known for being pretty docile.
Tails-Wow, so this is a fire type. I think it likes you Cream.
Vulpix-Um, could you please stop calling me an “it” I’m a girl and would like to be treated as such.
Tails-Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.
Vulpix-It’s alright, I guess it is kind of hard to tell if we are male or female. So anyway, I was told if I came here, I’d get some food?
Professor Oak-Oh sorry. Amy, would you be able to get her some food. The food for fire types is the one with the flame on it.
Amy-Got it!
With that Amy went to the food shelf and got the food with the flame mark on it and poured it into a bowl.
Amy-There you go.
The vulpix just looked at the pellets confused.
Vulpix-Um, what is it?
Amber-its food, trust me it tastes great!
Shinx-Yeah, just try it!
Vulpix-Okay okay, jeez.
With that the vulpix tried one of them, and then just dug right in.
Amber-So, is it good?
Vulpix-Oh yeah, it’s got a great flavor, with nice burn at the end.
Professor Oak-Thank you, it’s got a little Tomoto berry mixed in.
Amber-See, what I tell you.
Amy then looked at the can and remembered that the last time she gave Pikachu and Shinx food; it was out of the can for electric types.
Amy-Um, Professor.
Professor Oak-Yes, what is it Amy.
Amy-I just remembered that the last time I gave Shinx his food, it was from the electric type can. By any chance, is Shinx an electric type?
Professor Oak-Yep, Shinx is what’s known as “The Flash Pokémon” and is an electric type found in the Sinnoh region.
Tails-“The Flash Pokémon,” Why’s it called that?
Shinx-Heheh, I’ll show you. Professor, would you be able to kill the lights please?
Professor Oak-Sure.
The Professor walked over to the light switch and turned it off, causing the whole room to turn pitch black.
Shinx-Thank you.
Just then the yellow parts of Shinx’s body began to glow brightly and lit up a good chunk of the room.
Tails-Wow, he’s a living flashlight!
Amy-Man, that’s just too awesome!
Shinx-Thanks, you can turn the lights on Professor.
Professor Oak then turned the lights back on.
Professor Oak-Yes, it is pretty cool. Every Pokémon has their own little ability that makes them unique. In fact, one of the most interesting Pokémon is actually Eevee.
Tails-Really, how so?
Professor Oak-Well, remember when I said that Pokémon evolve?
Tails-Yes, they are able to change into a different form when different requirements are met, or they are exposed to a certain object. Why?
Professor Oak-Well, normally a Pokémon have a fixed evolution that makes them only able to evolve into Pokémon of that line. For example, the Charmader family can only evolve into Charmeleon and Charizard. However, Eevee’s are different. You see, their genetic code is actually unstable and allows them to evolve into seven different forms.
Amy-Wow, so Amber could evolve into seven different forms?
Professor Oak-Yep, the types she can evolve into is; water, fire, electric, psychic, dark, grass, and ice.
Tails then kneeled down to Amber.
Tails-Wow, you sure can evolve into many different forms.
Amber-Yep, we Eevee’s change our forms to better suit our environment and each one has its strengths and weaknesses.
Tails-But, once a Pokémon evolves it can’t go back…Right?
Amber-Yes, it’s a one way street.
Tails-Amber, do you want to evolve?
Amber-In all honestly, I would become stronger, but I kind of like being an Eevee.
Tails-Then that’s that, I kind of like you as an Eevee too.
Professor Oak-That’s actually kind of funny, normally trainers just jump at the chance to evolve their Eevee’s into a more suitable form.
Tails-I can see why they’d do that, but I met Amber as an Eevee and don’t want her to be anything she doesn’t want to be.
Professor Oak-Amber’s lucky to have found a trainer like you.
A tear ran down Amber’s face.
Amber-I know, Tails is more than I could ever ask for.
Amy and Cream just looked at the two.
Amy-Wow, Tails sure found himself a great friend.
Cream-Yeah, kind of makes me jealous.
Just then the vulpix walked up to them.
Vulpix-Thank you so much for the food, if weren’t for you guys I’d have never tried it, it’s some of the best food I’ve ever had!
Cream-It’s no problem, I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Cream bent down and scratched her ear.
Vulpix-Hey, would you like to play with me in the flowerbed later?
Cream-Sorry, but we’re actually going to head to the Unova region tomorrow.
Vulpix-Oh, I see…
The vulpix said as she lowered her ears sadly. 
Professor Oak-It seems you two really seem to get along.
Cream-Yeah, I just wish we didn’t have to say good-bye.
Professor Oak-Well, why don’t you take her with you as your partner?
Cream was just shocked at this.
Cream-W-what, me as a Pokémon Trainer!?
Amy-Sure, I think vulpix would make a great partner for you.
Cream-Okay, hey Vulpix. Would you like to be my partner?
With that the Vulpix leaped into her arms and said.
Vulpix-Do you even have to ask!?
Tails-Congrats Cream!
Amy-Yeah, great for you!
Cheese-Chow chow!
Cream-Thanks everyone, I’ll do my best! Hey Vulpix, would it be okay if I gave you a name like Amber’s?
Vulpix-Sure, I’d like that.
Cream-Okay, let’s see…how about Flora? Being you love flowers so much.
Flora-Flora huh, I love it! Thank you so very much!
Cream-Okay Flora, welcome to the group!
Professor Oak-Great, now just let me get you a Pokéball for her.
With that Professor Oak got a Pokéball and handed it to Cream.
Professor Oak-Here you go, you remember how to use it right?
Cream-Yeah, I watched you show Tails how to use one on Amber.
Cream kneeled down to Flora.
Cream-Flora, we’re going to have a lot of fun together.
Flora-I can’t wait!
With that Cream tapped Flora’s head with the Pokéball, causing her to become enveloped in a red light and into the ball. Cream looked at the ball and pointed it away from her.
Cream-Okay Flora, come on out!
The ball opened and released a white light that landed on the floor, and when it subsided Flora appeared.
Professor Oak-Well, now that that’s settled. How about we catch up with the others.
Tails-Oh crap, I completely forgot! Knowing Knuckles and Sonic, they’re probably wondering what’s taking us.
Amy-Yeah, those two are not the best at waiting.
Professor Oak-Then I suggests we hurry.
They were just about to leave, Amy then noticed that Shinx was looking at Amber nervously.
Professor Oak-Shinx, we’re going to leave for a little bit. So I need you to go back in your ball, okay?
Shinx looked down sadly and said.
Shinx-Okay…I guess.
Amy-(Poor Shinx, he’s really fallen for Amber…I’ve gotta do something!) Professor Wait!
Professor Oak-What is it Amy?
Amy-I’ve, chosen my partner as well.
Professor Oak/Tails-You have?
Amy-Yes, and it’s…Shinx.
Professor Oak-Really, what’d make you decide this all of a sudden?
Amy-Well, I was thinking…He’s still pretty young, but I think he would be a great addition to our team with his ability to create light. Also, for some reason I think we’re meant to be a team. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I just do. (I also know how it feels, to be kept from the one you love.)
Professor Oak-Heh, it sounds like you’ve made up your mind…Very well; I’ve actually got all the information on the Shinx species I need anyway. So he’s all yours.
Amy then kneeled down to the Shinx.
Amy-Shinx, would you like to come with us and help us get back home?
Shinx thought for a moment. If he went, he’d get to spend more time with Amber and would be able to see the world, but on the other paw; he’d have to leave the Professor behind. After a few moments of silence, he made up his mind.
Shinx-Okay…I’m in! (It is true I’ll have to leave the Professor and the lab behind, but I’m sure Ambers the one and this is a once in a lifetime chance.)
Amy-Great, now what should your name be…how about Star?
Tails-Star, that’s an interesting name.
Amy-I choose it because of the fact he can light up the darkness, like a star shinning in the night.
Professor Oak-That’s very poetic, nice choice.
Star-Yeah, thanks it’s a really great name.
Tails-Well, now that everyone here now has a partner. How about we meet up with everyone else before they tear down the door.
Professor Oak-Yeah, we have been keeping them. Let’s go see them.
Everyone else-Right.
With that they headed into the living room where everyone was waiting.
Tails-Hey guys, sorry we’re late.
Ash-No prob. What took you though, it’s been nearly three hours?
Tails-Well, after we got done with the translators. Amy and Cream came by with hungry Pokémon.
Misty-Really, what kind was it?
Cream-See for yourself.
They then looked down at Cream’s feet and saw Flora and Star.
Ash-Hey it’s a Vulpix!
Tails-Yep, and after she got done eating…She apparently got pretty close to Cream and became her partner.
Misty-Wow, really!?
Cream-Yep, I guess we really hit it off…Me and Amy found her sleeping in a flowerbed and found out that we both really love flowers. She asked if I wanted to play with her in the flowerbed later, and I really wanted too, but we had to go.
Tails-So the Professor asked her if she would like to have her as her partner, and both of them agreed.
Cream-Yep, so now me and Flora are a team.
Misty-Flora, that’s a really pretty name.
Knuckles-Okay, so who’s the other one?
Ash-Oh that’s right, you were asleep when we met him. He’s called Shinx and is the Professor’s Pokémon.
Professor Oak-Actually, he “was” mine.
Ash-What do you mean?
Tails-Well, you see that’s another reason we got held up…Amy asked if she could have him as her partner, and the Professor agreed.
Pikachu-Wow, so that means Amy’s now a trainer as well!
Amy-Yep, me and Star are going to make a great team…and we both have a little something in common.
Star-We do?
She kneeled down and whispered in his ear.
Amy-We are both in love with someone.
Star immediately turned bright red.
Star-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!
Star-Sh-shut up!
Misty-*giggle*(Must have been something pretty embarrassing to make him blush like that.) I think you two will make a great team as well, it’s almost like fate.
Amy-Yeah, me too.
Ash-Well alright, my mom should have food ready by now. I just hope she’s not too worried.
Professor Oak-Yeah, she can get pretty upset when people are late.
Ash-Then let’s go!
Just then Tails noticed that Sonic wasn’t in the room.
Tails-Hey, do you guys know where Sonic is?
Misty-Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen him since he used that move.
Tails-Hmm, I’ll go look for him. I’ll be back in a few!
With that Tails left the room and headed outside, he looked around and finally found him leaning on a fence overlooking some bull Pokémon.
Sonic-I’m such a coward; I’m too scared to even use a move because it involves water. How pathetic…
Sonic said as he stared at the water stone.
Tails-Sonic, there you are!
Sonic then turned to see his friend.
Sonic-Hey Tails, what’s up?
Tails-What’s up!? We are ready to go, and I’ve been looking all over for you!
Sonic-Sorry…I just needed to clear my head.
Tails-Sonic, are you okay?
Sonic-…Yeah, I’m just ashamed of myself.
Tails-Ashamed, why!?
Sonic-Because I’m a freaking coward, that’s why! We need every bit of power we can get, and here I am to freaking scared to even attempt to use a move we most likely WILL need just because it involves water!
Tails was silent for a moment and said.
Tails…Sonic, you’re not a coward. I understand why you feel this way because you’re used to just being able to smash Eggman’s robots without breaking a sweat, but now you need something that needs you to use an element you’re afraid of. To tell you the truth, that’s how I feel with every battle.
Sonic-You do, but you have all of your gadgets. Why would you be afraid?
Tails-*Sigh* It is true that I have my gadgets to keep me safe, but there’s always the risk of something going wrong…and with us playing with fire with Eggman, things could just go from fine, to catastrophic in a blink of an eye…Each battle I’m always scared out of my mind, but I push through it…Because if we don’t do anything, then there won’t be anything left for us to save.
Sonic was just stunned; he never knew his closest friend felt that way.
Sonic-Heh, you’re not the only one. I mean, I’m strong in all, but like you said the risk is always there…I just wish I could get over my fear, so I could use it to help you all.
Tails put his arm on his shoulder and said.
Tails-I’ll always be there to help, maybe we could just start off small and work our way up.
Sonic-Thanks buddy, I’m feeling much better. Sorry I snapped at ya.
Tails-Anytime pal, now come on! I’m just starving and can hardly stand it anymore.
Sonic- Right behind you pal.
With that they joined the gang in the living room.
Knuckles-There you guys are what the heck took you so long!?
Sonic-Oh cool it, I was just outside getting some fresh air.
Sonic then noticed the Flora.
Sonic-Hey, who’s the little brown fox?
Cream-Oh yeah, you haven’t met her. Sonic, this is my partner Flora.
Sonic- Great, with you and Tails having Pokémon by your sides. We’ll be a force to be reckoned with!
Amy-Heh, don’t forget about me and Star!
Tails-Sonic, you know that little Shinx from earlier? He became Amy’s partner!
Sonic-No way, man that makes things even better. I mean, she’s tough enough on her own, but give her a Pokémon as a partner, and oh boy. I’d hate to be on the wrong end of them.
Amy-Thank you Sonic, I’m sure we’ll be able to zap some sense into anyone that stands in our way. Right Star?
Star-*chuckles* I couldn’t have worded it better myself.
Ash then stood up.
Ash-Well alright, now that everyone’s here. Let’s head on over to my mom’s for some dinner.
Professor Oak-Sounds good. Hey being the car’s going to be pretty packed, why don’t you put your Pokémon in their balls?
Amy-Okay, is that alright with you all?
Amber-I don’t mind.
Star-I’m used to sleeping in it anyway, and I guess I could use a rest.
Flora-I-I don’t know, I mean I’ve never been in one for more than a minute.
Pikachu jumped off of Ash’s shoulder and landed in front of Flora.
Pikachu-You’ll be fine, pokéballs are nothing to be afraid of.
Flora-You sure, okay I guess I’m alright with it then.
Cream-Don’t worry, when we get there I’ll let out.
With that each of them held their partners pokéballs in front of them.
Amy/Cream/Tails-Okay, return!
Just then a red beam of light hit each of their partners and engulfed them. Then they each went into the pokéballs.
Professor Oak-Okay, let’s move out!
With everything finally settled everyone got into Professor Oak’s car and headed for Della’s house. It took them about 15 minutes and had to keep low from any passerby’s, but they made it to her house without incident.
Amy-Hey Ash, is this your house?
Ash-Yep, it’s always had a nice charm. Hey Tails, did you bring my mom’s gift?
Ash-Great, I can’t wait for her to meet you all.
Cream-Same here, she sounds really nice!
Ash-She is, and she’s a really strong person...
Pikachu noticed Ash’s expression changed and looked deep in thought. Almost as if he was remembering something difficult.
Pikachu-Hey Ash, you okay?
Ash-Huh, oh yeah…Sorry I was just thinking about something.
Pikachu was starting to worry about his friend, normally he’s really upbeat and open, but for some reason he seemed to be a bit distant. Almost as if he was hiding something.   
Ash-Well, let’s go inside. Knowing her she’s probably busy as a combee.
With that the gang headed up to the front door and knocked.
Ash-Mom, we’re here!
With that she opened the door.
Ash-Hey mom!
Delia-Hi honey, it’s good to see you, all of you. I’ve been watching the news and saw you save that officer.
Ash-Yeah, the media has just gone nuts with all of the Chaos Eggman caused.
Delia-I bet, you already told me quite a bit. However, I’ve got some questions of my own, if you each don’t mind asking over dinner of course.
Amy-Not at all, if my son was involved in something this crazy…I’d have some questions lined up.
Delia-Great, now let’s get in and have a nice meal.
With that everyone went inside and went into the living room.
Delia-Ash, would you be able to give me a hand setting the table?
Ash-No problem. Hey buddy, how about you just stay and relax.
Pikachu-You sure you don’t need my help?
Ash-Nah, I got it.
Pikachu-Okay, if you need any help just give me shout.
Ash-I will!
Ash followed her into the kitchen.
Ash-So, what’d you make?
Delia-Well, I was unsure what to make being some of our guests aren’t exactly regular people. However, when you mentioned they liked Brock’s vegetable soup. I got an idea and made an old classic.
With that she pulled out a glass casserole pan out of the oven. She uncovered it revealing it to be a vegetable casserole.
Delia-Ta-da, ratatouille!
Ash-Ratatouille eh, man it sure has been a long time sense you made that. I’m glad to see you making it, being it’s one of my personal favorites.
Delia-*giggle*Yep, and if I remember correctly. It was one of the only ways to get you to start eating vegetables.
Ash-Hahaha, well it made them work.
Ash-Okay, so how close to being done is it?
Delia-It’s actually about done, and I’m just letting the pan cool a bit so I don’t singe the table.
Ash-Okay, I’ll get the table set.
Delia-Thanks, just let me know when the table is ready!
With that Ash grabbed a few plates and got the table all set up.
Ash-Okay mom, everything’s ready!
Delia-Great, would you be able to let everyone know it’s time to eat?
Ash-Of course!
Ash went into the living room.
Ash-Okay guys, foods ready!
Sonic- Awesome, I was really getting hungry. So, what’d she make?
Ash-Well, she made an old favorite of mine. Ratatouille.
Misty-Ratatouille, it’s a vegetable casserole.
Cream-Oh okay, boy it sure has a strange name.
Ash-Trust me, it’s really good.
Cream-Okay, I trust you.
With that everyone headed in the dining room and gathered round the table. Delia then brought in the ratatouille and set it on the table.
Ash-Mmm, it smells just as good as I remember.
Amy-It does smell good.
Delia-Thank you, Amy.
Amy-How’d you know my name?
Delia-Like I said, Ash told me a lot about you guys over the phone. Let me see if I remember everyone’s names right. You’re Amy, the rabbit is named Cream, the yellow fox with two tails is named Tails, the red one’s named Knuckles, and finally the blue one’s name Sonic. Is that about right?
Tails-Yep, but in all honesty my real name’s not “Tails.”
Delia-It’s not, then what is it?
Tails-Miles Prower, but I prefer being called Tails.
Delia-Okay, even though I think Miles is cute. I understand and will call you by Tails.
Delia-Your welcome, now that introductions are out of the way. How about we eat before the food gets cold.
With that she got everyone a nice plate full of food, everyone took a bite and were really surprised by how good it was.
Cream-Wow, this is amazing!
Amy-Yeah, I didn’t expect these vegetables to be this flavorful.
Delia-Thank you, it is a great recipe and I used to make it for special occasions.
Tails-I’ll bet, this is a great meal for parties and celebrations.
Delia-Well, there’s plenty here. So have as much as you’d like!
With that everyone ate until they each got their fill, and after they helped clear the table. The each went back into the living room.
Tails-Hey Mrs. Ketchum, would it be okay if we let our partners out?
Delia-Partners, oh yeah! Ash mentioned that you got an Eevee as a partner, but what do you mean by “our?”
Amy-Me and Cream also took the plunge and became trainers.
Delia-Well, congrats! I don’t see why not, in fact I’m actually pretty excited to see them.
With that Amy, Cream, and Tails pointed their new partner’s pokéballs away from them.
Tails/Amy/Cream-Okay, come on out!
With that a white light came out of each of the balls and materialized into an Eevee, a Vulpix, and a Shinx.
Amber-*yawn* That was a nice nap.
Shinx-You can say that again.
Amber-Okay, that was a nice nap! So, what’d you think of it Flora?
Flora-It was nice; I didn’t think it’d be so warm and cozy.
Tails-I’m glad you each got a nap out of the deal. Anyway, this is Ash’s mom Delia.
Delia-Aw, they’re each darling. Now, I know the shiny Eevee’s Tails partner Amber, but who are the other two?
Amy-The Shinx is my partner Star, and the Vulpix is Cream’s named Flora.
 Delia-Star and Flora, great choice.
Tails-Oh yeah, before we answer your questions. I’ve got a little something for you.
Delia-Oh yeah, Ash mentioned that you were able to make a working translator out of a hearing aid.
Tails-Yep, it took me and the Professor a long time at first, but once we knew what we were doing. It became pretty easy.
Tails said as he set it up.
Tails-Here you go.
Amber-So, does it work?
Delia-Wow, I can’t believe it actually works. This will make me and Mr. Mime even closer!
Ash-Hey mom, I forgot to ask. Where is Mr. Mime?
Delia-He’s doing some yard work for me.
Amy-Mr. Mime, who’s that?
Delia-He’s my little helper. You see, I’m not much into battling anymore. So he just helps me around the house.
Tails-Yeah, I know that feeling. You see, I don’t really like the idea of having my friend fight for me…But, we can’t let Eggman do as he pleases, and for that…we need all the help we can get.
Delia-Yeah, based on what I saw on the T.V, he’s out of his mind.
Knuckles-Ha, that’s an understatement.
Delia-Speaking of which, like I said I’ve got some questions of my own.
Amy-Okay, fire away!
So for the next hour, the gang answered her questions. It was mainly just things like why Eggman was trying to take over, and where what there world was like.
Delia-Wow, that’s pretty interesting. So even in your world Eggman’s caused nothing but trouble.
Sonic-Yeah, but we normally have no problem with him.
Tails-However, when you get the emeralds thrown into the mix, that’s another story, and now that he’s teamed up with these nuts.
Ash-That’s why I promised to get them home, because if Eggman’s working with Team Rocket…Then things will get really nasty.
Delia-Yes, I agree with you…I’m just worried.
Ash-I know, but don’t worry too much. I’m not planning on taking any chances, plus I’m not just doing this alone.
Delia-Okay, just be careful.
Ash-I will.
Cream-Heh, reminds me of my mom…I hope she’s okay.
Amy-I’m sure she’s fine, after all this isn’t the first time we got sent to some other universe.
Cream-Yeah, but I miss her.
Delia-She sounds pretty strong.
Cream-She is, and she’s always there for me.
Delia-Well of course she is, a mother always looks out for their child. You’ll see her soon, don’t worry.
Cream-Thanks, you’re really nice.
Just then Cream noticed a picture on the mantle, and had four people in it.
Cream-Hey, Mrs. Ketchum?
Delia-Yes, what is it?
Cream-That picture over there, who’s in it? It looks like you and three other people.
Delia-Oh, that’s me, Ash, Mr. Mime, and…David.
Misty-David, who’s that?
Ash-He’s…my dad.  
Ugh, FINALLY! This one took a LOT of work, for obvious reasons, but I think it came out pretty well. Also, that dish Delia made is real and can be found in this website. I've had it a number of times and just love it, so if you're looking for a great dish. Check it out! Now if you'd excuse me, I need to faint for a while. :faint:…
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DragongirlKal's avatar
I can't wait for the next part! :D